If your website needs to display anything more than static web-pages, then you will need some form of programming. Websites can be programmed to do almost anything. Almost all of the website you visit on the internet today have some kind of programming.
Examples of the simplest things which can be achieved are contact forms and news pages. More complex examples include Event Calendars, and content protected by Login Pages. E Commerce websites and editable websites also use programming to make all of those functions happen.
A good way to help the ranking of your website is to have pages that users can add comments or contents too, this will help add more content to your website for free, and will make your website more interesting, both to users and search engines.
A good way of adding new content to a website is by having a News section which you can add to as you wish. This will then give users and search engines something new to look at each time they visit your website. News sections are not for everyone, but for the right kind of website owner it can raise your visits.
One of the big problems of the internet is spammers, who crawl the internet for email addresses to spam. One way of keeping your email address off the web is to have a contact form for customers to fill in and contact you, this will then keep your email address away from the spammers.
There are many differet programming languages which can be used within websites. Goldhosts speciallity is "Classic ASP". Although the language has been around for many years, it is still very well supported. We have built-up a massive library of functions which we can call upon.
One of the more recent changes to website programming is the introduction of Ajax. The Ajax programming technique is actually two programming languages written to work togther to do more than they could individually. For an example see our Ajax Programming example.